terça-feira, 30 de janeiro de 2007

PLOS Medicine: imperdível.

Imperdível, a mais recente edição de PLOS Medicine, a Public Library of Medicine. Acesso livre, obviamente. em http://medicine.plosjournals.org Vejam os principais artigos: Does Industry Sponsorship Undermine the Integrity of Nutrition Research?
Authors, Ghosts, Damned Lies, and Statisticians Measles Still Has a Devastating Impact in Unvaccinated Populations When Is Replacement Feeding Safe for Infants of HIV-Infected Women? Worldmapper: The Human Anatomy of a Small Planet XDR-TB in South Africa: No Time for Denial or Complacency The Structure and Function of Research Ethics Committees in Africa: A Case Study Epidemiology of Tuberculosis in a High HIV Prevalence Population Provided with Enhanced Diagnosis of Symptomatic DiseaseTobacco Smoke, Indoor Air Pollution and Tuberculosis: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

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