quinta-feira, 1 de fevereiro de 2007

Paquistão: escola médica para os EUA.

Na mesma edição do The New England Journal of Medicine, o relato da situação dos médicos do Paquistão. Um país pobre, que forma médicos para trabalhar nos Estados Unidos. A presença deles nos hospitais americanas é nítida e visível a qualquer um que lá trabalhe, tal a quantidade (e, boa qualidade). A conseqüência será a falta em breve de médicos no país. Uma solução será importá-los de Cuba.
Pakistani Physicians and the Repatriation Equation Saad Shafqat, M.B., B.S., Ph.D. and Anita K.M. Zaidi, M.B., B.S. In Pakistan, students who are accepted into medical school are congratulated — only half-jokingly — on three counts: that they will become doctors, that they will become certified by the American Board of Medical Specialties, and that they will soon be living in the United States. Pakistan has contributed approximately 10,000 international medical graduates (IMGs) to the United States, even though it faces a shortage of physicians. Take the case of Aga Khan University Medical College in Karachi. By 2004, it had produced 1100 graduates, 900 of whom had gone on to graduate medical training in the USA .

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