quinta-feira, 15 de fevereiro de 2007

Projeto no Congresso americano para barrar "discriminação genética".

O Congresso americano avança para impedir que testes genéticos sejam utilizados por empregadores e por empresas de seguro. Se aprovado será um exemplo bom para os demais países. Ao que consta, há locais com teste para doenças como a coréia de Huntington.
Abaixo, trecho de reportagem do The Wall Street Journal.
Genetic-Discrimination BanNears Congressional Approval By JANE ZHANGFebruary 15, 2007; Page A11 WASHINGTON -- A bill barring discrimination by employers and insurers based on genetic information is moving swiftly through Congress, drawing praise from privacy advocates and objections from business groups that the measure is too broad. The legislation would be the first federal law prohibiting health insurers from denying coverage or charging higher premiums based solely on genetic information. It also would forbid employers from using the information to make hiring, firing and other job-placement decisions.

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