A saída de pessoal médico da África para Europa, Estados Unidos e Canadá é motivo de preocupação cada vez maior. Há duas publicações recentes analisando o tema.
Ronald Labonte, Corinne Packer, Nathan Klassen, Arminee Kazanjian, Lars Apland, Justina Adalikwu,Jonathan Crush, Tom McIntosh,Ted Schrecker, Joelle Walker, David ZakusSeries Editor: Prof. Jonathan CrushAfrican Migration and Development Series No. 2, 2006Southern African Migration Project (SAMP) ISBN 1-920118-38-1 Produced by Idasa PublishingAva ilable online PDF [92p.]
Significant numbers of African-trained health workers migrate every year to developed countries developed countries including Canada. They leave severely crippled health systems in a region where life expectancy is only 50 years of age, 16 per cent of children die before their fifth birthday and the HIV/AIDS crisis continues to burgeon.1 The population of Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) totals over 660 million, with a ratio of fewer than 13 physicians per 100,000.2 SSA has seen a resurgence of various diseases that were thought to be receding, while public health systems remain inadequately staffed.
Migration and Developmente in Africa: an overview
Richard Black, Jonathan Crush, Sally Peberdy with Savina Ammassari, Lyndsay McLean Hilker, Shannon Mouillesseaux, Claire Pooley, Radha Rajkotia African Migration and Development Series No. 1, 2006PDF [169p.] at: "....The aim of this study is to synthesise existing research on migration in Africa, and its relationship to development policy. The report focuses on the relationship between migration, poverty and pro-poor development policy. Propoor policy is taken here to mean policies that are context-specific, listen and react to poor people’s voices, and/or seek to assist poor people to become less vulnerable and build up their income and assets. Government health and education policies might not be considered intrinsically pro-poor, but become so where they are targeted at widening access to health and education services, and especially basic health and education services (e.g. primary care, vaccination campaigns, primary schooling), or at responding to the specific needs of the poor. ..."