domingo, 20 de julho de 2008

Talvez o único ato bom de George W.

Ao que parece foi o único ato realmente relevante da gestão George W: o apoio aos programas de aids, tuberculose e malária na África. Mas, não ficaria surpreso se, a quase totalidade, não for para pagamento dos medicamentos da Big Pharma americana. Senate Passes AIDS Prevention Bill Associated Press WASHINGTON -- The Senate voted Wednesday to triple spending for a much-acclaimed program that has treated and protected millions in Africa and elsewhere from the scourges of AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis. The 80-16 vote committed the U.S. to spending up to $48 billion over the next five years for the most ambitious foreign public health program ever launched by the U.S.. The legislation would replace and expand the current $15 billion act that President Bush championed in a State of the Union address and Congress passed in 2003. That act expires at the end of September.

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