A médica capixaba Patrícia Guimarães é a primeira autora no Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences de pesquisa realizada na University of Rochester Medical School com 124 mulheres entre 60-86 anos. Foram 3 grupos: estrógeno-progestágeno, somente estrógeno para histerectomizadas e grupo controle . O primeiro grupo apresesentou redução auditiva maior quando comparada ao dos participantes dos outros dois braços de experimentação. O artigo em versão completa pode ser lido no site da revista.
Comentário: a reposição hormonal estrogênica-progestagênica era a a fonte da juventude, agora até se associa com perda auditiva. Qual será o próximo desfecho pior para a reposição hormonal?
Um comentário:
Psychology-Biological Sciences
Progestin negatively affects hearing in aged women
( estrogen | hearing loss | hormone replacement therapy | presbycusis | progesterone )
Patricia Guimaraes * , Susan T. Frisina * , Frances Mapes , Sherif F. Tadros * , D. Robert Frisina * , and Robert D. Frisina *
Departments of *Otolaryngology, Neurobiology and Anatomy, and Biomedical Engineering, University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry, Rochester, NY 14642; and International Center for Hearing and Speech Research, National Technical Institute for the Deaf, Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester, NY 14623
Communicated by Jozef J. Zwislocki, Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY, August 9, 2006 (received for review May 8, 2006)
Female hormone influences on auditory system aging are not completely understood. Because of widespread clinical use of hormone replacement therapy (HRT), it is critical to understand HRT effects on sensory systems. The present study retrospectively analyzed and compared hearing abilities among 124 postmenopausal women taking HRT, treated with estrogen and progestin (E+P; n = 32), estrogen alone (E; n = 30), and a third [non-hormone replacement therapy (NHRT; n = 62)] control group. Subjects were 60-86 years old and were matched for age and health status. All had relatively healthy medical histories and no significant noise exposure, middle-ear problems, or major surgeries. Hearing tests included pure-tone audiometry, tympanometry, distortion-product otoacoustic emissions (DPOAEs), transient otoacoustic emissions, and the hearing-in-noise test (HINT). The HINT tests for speech perception in background noise, the major complaint of hearing-impaired persons. Pure-tone thresholds in both ears were elevated (poorer) for the E+P relative to the E and control groups. For DPOAEs, the E+P group presented with lower (worse) levels than the E and control groups, with significant differences for both ears. For the HINT results, the E+P group had poorer speech perception than the E and control groups across all background noise speaker locations and in quiet. These findings suggest that the presence of P as a component of HRT results in poorer hearing abilities in aged women taking HRT, affecting both the peripheral (ear) and central (brain) auditory systems, and it interferes with the perception of speech in background noise.
Author contributions: S.T.F., D.R.F., and R.D.F. designed research; P.G., S.T.F., F.M., S.F.T., and D.R.F. performed research; P.G., S.T.F., and R.D.F. analyzed data; P.G. wrote the paper; and P.G., S.T.F., F.M., S.F.T., D.R.F., and R.D.F. edited the paper.
The authors declare no conflict of interest.
Freely available online through the PNAS open access option.To whom correspondence should be addressed: Department of Otolaryngology, University of Rochester Medical Center, 601 Elmwood Avenue, Rochester, NY 14642-8629.
Robert D. Frisina, E-mail: robert_frisina@urmc.rochester.edu
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